Redirection + Client Error

2002 . series of five digital prints
. digital print on plastic + laminated with matt plastic . each 173 x 100 cm . part of Internet Error Messages project

300 | Multiple Choices | 301 | Moved Permanently | 302 | Moved Temporarily
303 | See Other | 304 | Not Modified | 400 | Bad Request
401 | Unauthorized | 402 | Payment Required | 403 | Forbidden
404 | Not Found | 405 | Method Not Allowed | 406 | Not Acceptable
408 | Request Time-Out | 409 | Conflict | 410 | Gone

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[click on the image for larger pict.]

'Redirection + Client Error ' series consists of five works, each read three Web Server Result (HTML Error) Codes, more preciesly from status messages that might be returned: 3xx: Redirection and 4xx: Client Error. Background image is a video signal error.